Sunday, July 1, 2012


I was supposed to have Michael for about three weeks . Of course he was a little sad and scared to be away from his grandma & my family up north I thought he would get over it & we could have fun. Everyday was upsetting though . Driving 15 hours back was crazy enough. One day he was fine , happy & content then next thing I know he was saying the most hurtful things no mother wants to hear . I know he has ADHD and perhaps Bipolar but these things just hurt me anyway because he never used to speak to me with such anger and hate . He just was not letting up so we had to have my stepdad fly down and take Michael home . He was sad to say goodbye to me . I know he loves me but he is just torn and it hurts me to see him act like this .  I had to make a choice for him as a mother I couldn't stand seeing him so upset so if he wanted to go back I let him . I atleast got a good few weeks out of it with him and to even be near him is a blessing for me . 

Michael and I took a long walk down the country road behind our house the night before we had to say goodbyes. I tried to tell him regardless of any words and anything that was upsetting him that I wish he would  of stuck things out and had a good time . I let him know that eventhough I wished this , that I was not angry with him and that I just want him to be happy and I love him regardless if he will never understand life . Michael was born February 24th, 2005 and words will never express how he is and always will be everything to me . I can't believe he is 7 years old ..I wish our kids did not grow up so fast . But I enjoy seeing him grow . One day I only pray God sends him my direction forever .

While he was here in Tennessee he managed to let an outside dog do this to him . We took him to the ER because it was looking ugly even with medication and bandaids . Turns out the chain wrapped so tight around his little leg it turned more into a burn that took a layer off his skin so , we had to put some cream the doctor gave with bandages . Poor guy .

Last but not least ..these little guys were supposed to go home with Michael , but we didn't want to put them through flying so I found a wonderful home for them together with a new friend Emma . She was the perfect match for these little guys and I am so happy she and her daughter Gracie love them with care and happiness . My Neighbor Dave and I are kind of helping eachother out by finding alot of these stray kittens and cats around us homes . We get them to the vet , deworm em and take care of them and find them homes so it is so nice to know these guys will have shelter and love forever :)

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