Friday, July 1, 2011

14 WEEKS!!!

                                     14 WEEKS  AND 1 DAY!
Hey guys and dolls . So , we just got back from our appointment . Turns out this little baby is actualy 14 weeks and 1 day ! wow I am already in my second trimester ! one more to go I can not believe how fast this is going!!!  the baby's heartbeat was 155 beat's , and weighs 3 oz. I am already inlove <3 . I included the video below , sorry for the poor quality , my fiance didn't know how to focus lol and you may have to turn the volume up . I can't wait till week 19-20 to figure out of we are going to have a boy or girl! and it is so cute that my 6 year old son will be a big brother lol . My next appointment is the 27th , so we shall see if everything is going great then too :) for now , I feel pretty good . I still have some morning sickness but thankfuly the doctor gave me some medication that you rub on your wrists and it makes you feel a little better .. plus it makes you feel a little loopy . Overall this is so amazing and I think no matter how many children I will have in my lifetime , it will always be amazing and fasinating to me . I think it is cute how my fiance smiles whenever he see's the little one jumping around in there ..and he was wowed today by hearing the heartbeat . I picked the right man for once in my life hahaha . Next is getting married . Now, that will be some stuff lol . 

OUR LITTLE PEANUT - 13 WEEKS  You can see the nose :)

     :) Turn up volume, and sorry it's so blurry  don't leave a man with a camera lol

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